- Danielle and Michelle in Quito, Ecuador (June, 2009).
Michelle and I agree that it is so much more enjoyable to follow a blog when you know more about the people writing it. Therefore, it seemed only natural that our first blog would give you a better idea of who we are and where we come from.
We are Michelle and Danielle. We are best friends, birding buddies, business partners and SISTERS! Alike in many ways, as you will come to discover, but very different nevertheless. For starters… We live to learn. We are fascinated by nature. Our enthusiasm for birds is tremendous. And, our desire to explore and observe both familiar and foreign environments is what fuels our work, our passions and our lives.
As much as we’d love to claim that our Ecuadorian heritage offered us some sort of birdwatching gene, our appreciation for nature and propensity for birding in particular comes, undoubtedly, from our father. His knowledge of animals and birds surpasses that of most people we have ever met. His raw and unbridled zeal for living things is inspiring, and his ability to keenly observe nature is positively instinctive. The fact that he married a remarkable woman from one of the world’s birding hotspots was just sheer luck!
Our earliest birding memories take place in the Galapagos Islands, an archipelago off the coast of Ecuador. Michelle was barely six and I was seven. On a family visit, we embarked on what would be a life-altering tour of the islands trekked by Charles Darwin himself. While most of our memories from that trip remain somewhat of a blissful blur, each of us recalls two events with astounding clarity: the moment we each saw our “spark bird” (Michelle’s was a magnificent Frigatebird inflating his red gular pouch to attract a female; and my passion was sparked the instant I laid eyes on the striking powder blue feet of a Blue Footed Booby.) and the night we took first prize for ‘Best Costume’ at our cruise’s costume contest (Our highly creative mom managed to design rather intricate, matching penguin outfits out of construction paper and scotch tape, leading us to victory!). Looking back, I suppose the rest was inevitable….
- Michelle and Danielle receiving an award for best costume aboard a Galapagos cruise (May, 1990).
Michelle and I grew up on an idyllic farm just outside of Los Angeles. We creatively named each animal, raced tractors, climbed trees and invited our friends over to play epic games of hide-and-go-seek. For college, we migrated back east to attend Dartmouth as neither one of us could resist the lure of a New England Fall and the breathtaking natural bounty of the Great Appalachian Valley. Who could refuse four years of stimulating academic study in a most pristine setting? Certainly not these bird-loving bookworms! Eventually, however, we prepared to leave our home in the town of Hanover, nestled among acres and acres of lush, natural woodlands where wildlife abounds, and waved goodbye to the moose prancing about campus. Michelle and I headed to a number of bustling cities before finally making our way back home to sunny California. Each of us continued on our intended career paths, but soon realized we were destined to be doing something else altogether… and, well, together.
From this awareness hatched Pacific Bird, a company whose mission is simple: to provide wild birds with the most nutritious foods possible, and to aid in bird conservation, education and awareness. Designing a great line of products that serve our ultimate goals has made for a truly satisfying experience. Our commitment to attracting and appreciating wild birds keeps us motivated daily. Above all, we consider ourselves fortunate that our passion for wild birds is delightfully woven into our professional and personal lives. We look forward to spreading our wings and reaching new heights in the future.
Happy Birding!
Danielle & Michelle