Happy “birdie thirty” to one of the best brother-in-laws in the world!
As you enter your third decade on this earth, we thought nothing more appropriate than celebrating an AMAZING PERSON with this SPECTACULAR BIRD! We know how much you enjoyed your visit to Machu Picchu, so we thought the Peruvian national bird, the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, would be a great choice!
Common Name: Andean Cock-of-the-Rock
Latin Name: Rupicola peruvianus
Range: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia
Habitat: Cloud forests of the Andes
Diet: Mainly fruit and insects.
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Hey, E, we’d like to know if your birthday dance moves can compete with those of the Cocks-of the-Rock at the lek? Not sure? Keep reading and take a look!
The male Cocks-of-the-Rock partake in a very elaborate display ritual intended to show off their magnificent plumage. These displays take place in communal leks, where males congregate to challenge rivals and beckon the females.
At the lek, male Cocks-of-the-Rock have been observed to break up into pairs, performing “confrontation displays.” Think of this as the ultimate dance off. Here’s the scenario: two males facing one another while bowing, jumping, snapping their bills, flapping their wings, squawking, and grunting. Don’t believe us? Check out the video below!
Thanks to the ibirdcollection, we can share with you the Cock-of-the-Rock Lek! video…
Happy Birthday and Happy birding,
Michelle and Danielle