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Life. It just got more colorful
Life. It just got more colorful
Life. It just got more colorful
• Enhances nesting success.

• Brings entertainment, relaxation & well-being.

• Aids in survival during severe winter months.

• Chock full of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, which provide essential dietary benefits for birds during all seasons.

• Encourages breeding.

• Provides delicious nourishment and promotes health, vigor and song all year long.

• Attracts a larger variety of wild birds to your yard.
As a company that specializes in Wild Bird Treats, the quality of our products and their impact on birds are
of top priority. We seek out only the healthiest, heartiest, farm-raised, pesticide-free worms and insects.
Our minimally processed products contain no preservatives or binders, so birds receive more vital nutrients and usable food materials.

Our special packaging offers a clean and convenient way to provide treats. Our steaming technique cooks worms and insects
in the can, retaining nutritional value, moisture, flavor and aroma. Pacific Bird's Wild Bird Treats are a great affordable
alternative to live foods, without the hassle of shipping, handling or storage issues. No sticky fingers! No mess!

Mealworm Treat

Mealworm Treat

Model: PB-0001

Price: $4.95

Pacific Bird Treats are an ideal source of protein and energy for wild, insectivorous birds. The unique packaging process of Pacific Bird's Mealworms... more info
Superworm Treat

Superworm Treat

Model: PB-0000

Price: $4.95

Pacific Bird Treats are an ideal source of protein and energy for wild, insectivorous birds. The unique packaging process of Pacific Bird's... more info
Cricket Treat

Cricket Treat

Model: PB-0004

Price: $4.95

Pacific Bird Treats are an ideal source of protein and energy for wild, insectivorous birds. The unique packaging process of Pacific Bird's Crickets... more info

New Products For February - Treat

Life. It just got more colorful